Preheat the oven to 250°F.
Place all of the cream cheese into the KitchenAid mixer bowl. Using the beater attachment (not the whisk), mix the cream cheese until smooth. Medium speed is fine. Do not worry about overmixing the cream cheese. You need to make sure it is smooth at this step (and before you add the eggs).
Add the sugar, sour cream, and vanilla. Continue mixing. You may need to scrape the sides of the bowl using a spatula. You will mix until it looks smooth and uniform in color.
Add the eggs, two at a time. You only mix until the eggs are incorporated into the mix (ie: uniform in color). You do not want to overbeat the eggs. I use the KitchenAid at low speed and finish with a hand whisk just to ensure no eggs are missed.
Add Oreo Cookie Chunks. I just break the cookies by hand into at least fourths. See post notes for more details.
Gently mix by hand until well incorporated.
Gently pour the cheesecake mix onto the crust in the spring form pan.
You can even out the top of the cheesecake with a spatula or by lightly tapping the bottom of the pan flatly against the countertop.